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which is eaſily found by one inveſtigator, may be miffed by another, equally honeſt and equally diligent.

Thoſe who inquire, whether a ſmaller number of legal votes can elect a repreſentative in oppoſition to a greater, muſt receive from every tongue the ſame anſwer.

The queſtion, therefore, muſt be, whether a ſmaller number of legal votes, ſhall not prevail againſt a greater number of votes not legal.

It muſt be conſidered, that thoſe votes only are legal which are legally given, and that thoſe only are legally given, which are given for a legal candidate.

It remains then to be diſcuſſed, whether a man expelled, can be ſo diſqualified by

a vote