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quotation from an act of the 4th and 5th of Anne, which permits thoſe to be rechoſen, whoſe ſeats are vacated by the acceptance of a place of profit. This they wiſely conſider as an expulſion, and from the permiſſion, in this caſe, of a re-election, infer that every other expulſion leaves the delinquent entitled to the ſame indulgence. This is the paragraph.

If any perſon, being choſen a member of the Houſe of Commons, ſhall accept of any office from the crown, during ſuch time as he ſhall continue a member, his election ſhall be, and is hereby declared to be void, and a new writ ſhall iſſue for a new election, as if ſuch perſon ſo accepting was naturally dead. Nevertheleſs ſuch perſon ſhall be capable of being again elected, as if his place had not become void as aforeſaid.”
