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reſtraint; about the ſecurity of privilege or property they are totally careleſs, for they ſee no property invaded, nor know, till they are told, that any privilege has ſuffered violation.

Leaſt of all do they expect, that any future Parliament will leſſen its own powers, or communicate to the people that authority which it has once obtained.

Yet a new Parliament is ſufficiently deſirable. The year of election is a year of jollity; and what is ſtill more delightful, a year of equality. The glutton now eats the delicacies for which he longed when he could not purchaſe them, and the drunkard has the pleaſure of wine without the coſt. The drone lives a-while without work, and the ſhopkeeper, in the flow of money, raiſes his price. The mechanic that trembled at the preſence of Sir Joſeph, now bids him
