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reproach, which have lately prevailed, are peculiar to this.

In infallible characteriſtic of meanneſs is cruelty. This is the only faction that has ſhouted at the condemnation of a criminal, and that, when his innocence procured his pardon, has clamoured for his blood.

All other parties, however enraged at each other, have agreed to treat the throne with decency; but theſe low-born railers have attacked not only the authority, but the character of their Sovereign, and have endeavoured, ſurely without effect, to alienate the affections of the people from the only king, who, for almoſt a century, has much appeared to deſire, or much endeavoured to deſerve them. They have inſulted him with rudeneſs and with menaces, which were never excited by the gloomy ſullenneſs of William, even when half the
