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countrymen, called them the Malouines, the denomination now uſed by the Spaniards, who ſeem not, till very lately, to have thought them important enough to deſerve a name.

Since the publication of Anſon’s voyage, they have very much changed their opinion, finding a ſettlement in Pepys’s or Falkland’s Iſland recommended by the author as neceſſary to the ſucceſs of our future expeditions againſt the coaſt of Chili, and as of ſuch uſe and importance, that it would produce many advantages in peace, and in war would make us matters of the South Sea.

Scarcely any degree of judgment is ſufficient to reſtrain the imagination from magnifying that on which it is long detained. The relator of Anſon’s voyage had heated his mind with its various events, had partaken the hope with which it was be-
