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could we expect that the Spaniards would ſuppoſe us to viſit the ſouthern parts of America only from curioſity, after the ſcheme propoſed by the author of Anſon’s Voyage.

When once we had diſowned all purpoſe of ſettling, it is apparent that we could not defend the propriety of our expedition by arguments equivalent to Carvajal’s objections. The miniſtry therefore diſmiſſed the whole deſign, but no declaration was required by which our right to perſue it hereafter might be annulled.

From this time Falkland’s Iſland was forgotten or neglected, till the conduit of naval affairs was intruſted to the Earl of Egmont, a man whoſe mind was vigorous and ardent, whoſe knowledge was extenſive, and whoſe deſigns were magnificent; but who had ſomewhat vitiated his judgement by too much indulgence of romantick projects and airy ſpeculations.
