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land’s Iſland, ſhrinking from the blaſt, and ſhuddering at the billows.

This was a colony which could never become independent, for it never could be able to maintain itſelf. The neceſſary ſupplies were annually ſent from England, at an expence which the Admiralty began to think would not quickly be repaid. But ſhame of deſerting a project, and unwillingneſs to contend with a projector that meant well, continued the garriſon, and ſupplied it with regular remittances of ſtores and proviſion.

That of which we were almoſt weary ourſelves, we did not expect any one to envy; and therefore ſuppoſed that we ſhould be permitted to reſide in Falkland’s Iſland, the undiſputed lords of tempeſt-beaten barrenneſs.

But, on the 28th of November 1769, Captain Hunt, obſerving a Spaniſh ſchooner
