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as was ſaid, for Port Solidad, and reduced, by a paſſage from Buenos Ayres of fifty-three days, to want of water.

Three days afterwards four other frigates entered the port, and a broad pendant, ſuch as is born by the commander of a naval armament, was diſplayed from the Induſtry. Captain Farmer of the Swift frigate, who commanded the garriſon, ordered the crew of the Swift to come on ſhore, and aſſiſt in its defence; and directed Captain Maltby to bring the Favourite frigate, which he commanded, nearer to the land. The Spaniards eaſily diſcovering the purpoſe of his motion, let him know, that if he weighed his anchor, they would fire upon his ſhip; but paying no regard to theſe menaces, he advanced towards the ſhore. The Spaniſh fleet followed, and two ſhots were fired, which fell at a diſtance from him. He then ſent to inquire the reaſon of ſuch hoſtility, and was
