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cations. He perſiſted in his determination, and allowed only fifteen minutes for an anſwer.

To this it was replied by Captain Farmer, that though there had been preſcribed yet a ſhorter time, he ſhould ſtill reſolutely defend his charge; that this, whether menace or force, would be conſidered as an inſult on the Britiſh flag, and that ſatisfaction would certainly be required.

On the next day (June 10.) Madariaga landed his forces, and it may be eaſily imagined that he had no bloody conqueſt. The Engliſh had only a wooden blockhouſe built at Woolwich, and carried in pieces to the iſland, with a ſmall battery of cannon. To contend with obſtinacy had been only to laviſh life without uſe or hope. After the exchange of a very few ſhots, a capitulation was propoſed.

The Spaniſh commander acted with moderation; he exerted little of the con-
