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that made reſiſtance ridiculous, and at once demanded and obtained poſſeſſion.

The firſt account of any diſcontent expreſſed by the Spaniards was brought by Captain Hunt, who arriving at Plymouth June 3, 1770, informed the Admiralty that the iſland had been claimed in December by the governor of Port Solidad.

This claim, made by an officer of ſo little dignity, without any known direction from his ſuperiors, could be conſidered only as the zeal or officiouſneſs of an individual, unworthy of public notice or the formality of remonſtrance.

In Auguſt Mr. Harris, the reſident at Madrid, gave notice to Lord Weymouth of an account newly brought to Cadiz, that the Engliſh were in poſſeſſion of Port Cuizada, the ſame which we call Port Egmont, in the Magellanick ſea; that in
