Page:Political ballads of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries (IA politicalballads01wilk).pdf/107

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The Commonwealth.
It talks of ſmall things,
But it ſets up all things;
This maſters money, though money maſters all things.

It is not ſeaſon
To talk of reaſon,
Nor call it loyalty, when the ſ}word will have it treaſon.

It conquers the crown, too,
The grave and the gown, too;
Firſt it ſets up a Preſbyter, and then it pulls him down too.

The ſubtlie diſaſter
Turns bonnet to beaver;
Down goes a biſhop, ſirs, and up ſtarts a weaver.

This makes a layman
To preach and to pray, man;
And makes a lord of him that was but a drayman.

Far from the Gulpit
Of Saxby’s pulpit,
This brought an Hebrew ironmonger to the pulpit.

Such pitiful things be
More happy than kings be;
They get the upper hand of Thimblebee and Slingſbee.

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