Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/168

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that a well-starched shirt-front is the shield to make them invulnerable in the battle of life; and that well-dressed hair, good clothes, and a twirled moustache are the passports to a happy and brilliant future. 'A hopeful youth' is the one who most easily learns the hypocrisies of Society, while the 'Bête noire' of the family is he whose whole nature revolts against these dictates of Society, and who defends himself with hands and feet against the poison which both at home and at school is dropped into eyes and ears." He pulled himself up. He perceived that the bitter memories of his own home had got the mastery over him, and he required a moment's pause to recover himself. When he looked at his watch he discovered to his horror that the time had flown, he had spoken for an hour and a quarter. "We shall have to stop," he said with an apologetic smile; and although on all sides he was begged to continue, he decided to break off.

"No, I think it's best to stop now. In any case I could not finish to-day what I want to say to you. But if we can agree to meet here again on another Sunday, I will continue then."

"Yes, yes," was shouted from all sides.

"Very well, send a message to me, and I shall be at your service. I will only add now that whatever my position in the parish in future may be—and possibly a change will take place from to-day—I feel sure that when once we have