Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/182

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the boat began to sing. With their arms round each other's waists, and faces turned to the sea, they sang a pious old evening hymn.

The horse is stalled upon the close of day,
At eve each creature seeks its own retreat,
The birds sit hushed upon the leafy spray,
And Reynard steals away with noiseless feet.

Athwart the golden cloudbanks in the West,
God's portal stands by glowing sunbeams riven,
And thither toil-worn spirits seek their rest
Within the all-embracing lap of Heaven.

Oh, timorous soul, that by some hidden road
Seekest to rest thee till the break of light,
Why dost forbear to enter God's abode,
And there disarm the terrors of the night?

That gracious God, who, with his fostering care,
For every little bird hath made a nest
And warmly lined it, shall He not prepare
A home, where homeless souls may safely rest.

Knock! and the angel host shall let thee in,
Though full of fears, though sinful, though alone,
And they will ease the burden of thy sin,
And lead thee to the Heavenly Father's Throne."


The singing sounded well in the clear, quiet spring evening. In the open air, the voices lost the harsh tone they had under the low roof of