Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/203

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informing you of my intention beforehand. I had meant to do so, but——"

He was stopped here by a lightning glance from the Provst, who had paused at last along by the window.

"We will discuss that affair later. That you have thought it suitable, in spite of the position you hold here, to appear as a wandering star in the weaver's troupe, I have already heard, and you will have to answer to me for so doing another time. In the meantime, there is a different matter, on which I require information. It has lately come to my knowledge,"—he continued, slowly walking towards Emanuel with his hands behind him, and his eyes flashing;—"it has come to my knowledge, sir, that in one particular, where, more than in any other, you ought to set a worthy example to the youth of the neighbourhood, you have, by your conduct, absolutely scandalized the congregation. In short, is it true, Mr Hansted, that you have nightly meetings with certain young girls of the neighbourhood?"

Emanuel had risen. The feverish patches on his cheeks now spread over his forehead and temples, and his whole face flamed.

"Who says so?"

"That doesn't matter," shouted the Provst close to his face. "How does it stand? I want a short, plain answer, sir. So—yes or no?

Emanuel bit his lips. It was only with the