Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/234

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things to shew you, for this is only a poor peasant's farm you have come to, but you knew that beforehand, I expect."

"I knew at any rate that I was not seeking that kind of wealth about which you country people say: 'The fire devours it in a single night,'" answered Emanuel, smiling. Then he turned to Hansine, and added: "Won't you come out, too, and give a look at the stables?"

She did not understand the hint, blushed, and said, with a glance at her mother, that she would have to help in the kitchen.

"Well, well, then, till we meet again," said he, and nodded to her.


Anders Jörgen and Emanuel went to the stables first; they were newly built, and immediately opposite the ancient living house. There were two big red Wallachian horses, and a rough-haired yearling; they all rattled their chains and whinnied into their mangers with the hollow, comfortable sound horses make when they are visited in their stables.

With sudden liveliness, which astonished Emanuel, Anders Jörgen began giving minute details of the age, character, and breed of the animals. With great pride he explained that