Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/292

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about—but let us turn, the sun is too warm—what was I saying? Oh yes—what I am about to tell you is strictly private, an official secret in fact—which must on no account go any further. To make a long story short, the Provst will, in all probability, be sending in his resignation immediately."

"The Provst!" burst out Emanuel, stopping open-mouthed in the middle of the path.

"I said in all probability," continued the bishop, without seeming to notice the other's astonishment. "He has been offered—or is about to be offered—an important post outside ministerial work, a post which just suits his peculiar powers. I do not doubt that he will accept it, especially as his position here evidently does not satisfy him—has even perhaps become untenable. For this reason alone I should like you to remain. The living will thus be vacant, and you will be temporarily appointed to fill it; you will probably be left undisturbed for some time, as it is the intention to take this opportunity to make a long talked-of re-distribution of the parish. It may take a couple of years. I shall give no opinion on what the future prospect may be—for the income will of course be affected by the rearrangement; I must leave that to time and your own consideration. I shall not go further into the subject, there is no occasion for it, and I have perhaps said more than I have a right to say, but I was anxious to hinder you from taking any hasty step.