Page:Pontoppidan - Emanuel, or Children of the Soil (1896).djvu/41

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But thinking better of it, she repressed her anger, even forcing herself to smile, and answered quickly, and as it were, overflowing with merriment: "Yes, thank you, Loné, I am delighted with him; in fact, I am already in love with him; to-morrow I shall engage myself to him; and on Thursday we will be married. If you will come to us on Sunday week for the christening festivities, and hold our first-born at the font, my husband and I will be delighted—now, are you satisfied?"

The old servant stuck out her big chin in great offence; and with her usual scowling and sulky expression she retreated towards the door, muttering to herself.


In the meantime the young curate was well on his way to Skibberup. The nervousness which came over him at first on the Provst's request, had quickly passed off. He was in good spirits and leant back comfortably on the wide seat, from whence he observed the winter landscape with surprise. The wind had dropped to a dead calm after sunset. The dark blue sky was brilliant with stars. In the far-distant western horizon there was still a reminiscence of the late storm, in the shape of a long bank of clouds above which rose the golden crescent of the moon.