Page:Popular Science December 1931.djvu/134

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ARTISTS HAVE A BETTER CHANCE "I was just one of the crowd for a long time until I got tired of being pushed around and decided to train my lilting for drawing. "Now, when so many untrained people are up against it, I'm glad every day that I studied art. With big busi- ness using art for everything from package designs to automobiles, there are opportunities for trained artists. "It's a big satisfaction to know that I have my own style, and nobody else can draw exactly like I do. Of course, no art school can guarantee jobs, but it's certainly true that trained artists have a better chance to make good than untrained people in ordinary lines." Investigate the Federal Course in Illustrating. More than fifty famous artists contribute their experience to this Course. Hundreds of students dur- ing the past fifteen years have bettered their income and position in life by learning Illustrating, Cartooning, De- signing, Lettering, Show Card Writing at home through the Federal Course. Many are now earning $2500 to $6000 a year — some even more. Free Vocational Art Test Find out about your art ability. Fill in the coupon below and mail for Free Vocational Art Test today. The way to make money is to train your talent. Send for this Art Test. ...... Mail Coupon Now Federal School of Illustrating 12141 Federal Schools BiiiUling Minneapolis, Minnesota Please send without cost or obligation to me Free Vocational Art Test, and your book, "A Koad to Bigger Things." Name Address City .state. Age Occupation Kant-Slam DtKtr Cht'i-k is an amazini; tlt'W inventinn that rloses all doors silently and au- tomatirally. Holds doors open when wanted open. Operates on new oil prin- ciple, htiw priced. Everliwt- itiR. Kasily Installed In 10 min. titvK. Never needM Mttentiun. A REAL DCIMONSTRATOR Furnished Every Agmnt Yoa (let orders quickly dem<>ni<trBHnK actual Haraple on easy ti> carry miniature dwr. Every office, lactory. store. Institution and public huildlnir needa a Kant-Slam for every door. Rush name and addreya for details of ftniazinB money makiOK opportunity. FREE Demonstrator to Workers KANT-SLAM DOOR CHECK CO . Depl. S-10, Bloomficld. hd. TWO MILLION SHOTS IN BATTLE OF EXPERTS (Conliniud jrom page 25) before thcv had descended to the ground. If vou were to visit Camp Perry two weeks before the opening of the National matches, vou would find a uroup of soldiers, men from the Signal Corps school at Fort Monmouth, X. J., pinwinfx furrows all over the camp. Into these they put wire— forty miles ol it— and then till in the dirt, carefully replace the soil, and smooth the ground with a power roller. The installation of a telephone system complete enough to ser-e a small town is a necessarv part of the matches. Withcjut telephones, the range officers on the firini: lines could not communicate with the men in the concrete pits who indicate, by means of large colored disks, the position of each shot and then paste it up so there will be no confusion when the next shot arrives. Eijihty telephones, on forty lines, are required t() handle the range activities. These are installed and maintained by twenty-seven men from the telephone division of the Signal Corps School. , _ M the 19.?I meet, the Signal Corps group introduced something new. It installed a radio station that maintained direct contact with Fort Hays at Columbus, and thus kept Camp Perry tied into the corps radio net- work that covers the country. Finally, after the matches are over, the telephone men spend three days digging up the wires, replacing the earth and sod, and carefully rolUng them down, dismantling the radio station, and packing the equipment. THKRE has been a mistaken belief that the Camp Perry matches are maintained only for the military man, and that the out- sider has no business there. .Anyone, even if he never had a gun in his hand before, will find a welcome, a gun, ammunition, and a tent awaiting him; and a number of events which he can enter. The school is maintained largelv for such beginners. Although the Army docs most of the housekeeping at the matches, officials of the National Rifle .ssociation are present in force. The numerous contests represent the culmination of much of the year's work of the .Vssociation. Just now, there seems to be an increasing interest in shooting as a sport. The Association officials feel happy about this because they believe that the present-day crime situation would disappear almost over- night if every reliable .American citizen were to take up shooting, particularly with pistol, so that he would be able to defend his property and his family. The presence of manv w'omen on the firing line at Camp Perry indicates that Miss and Mrs. America are capable of defending themselves if given the opportunity and the sanction of state govern- ments. BIG DOCK EMPTIED TO SAVE KITTEN'S LIFE K VESTtRESOME kitten and a flock of exhausted swallows gave rise to a pair of oddities in the month's news. The kitten, exploring the immensity of the floating dock at Bristol, England, had the misfortune to become imprisoned in a drain. To release it, eleven million gallons of water were emptied from the dock. Then a police sergeant rescued the kitten. Meanwhile, at Vienna, thousands of swallows fluttered weakly to the ground, prevented by hunger and exhaustion from continuing their southward migration over the .Alps. . radio appeal was broadcast, and bird lovers, hastening to the aid of their feathered friends, gathered the swallows in wooden cages. These, transferred to air- planes, were carried swiftly across the Alps. LEAAN AT WOlitD'S BEST KNOWN iVIATION SCHOOL LINCOLN* f TRAINED MEN -GET BEST JOBS Aviation executives know Lincoln pro- (iuces best trained Mechanics and Pilots. Prefer Lincoln-Trained men for best jobs! Lincoln Mechanics learn on real ships under actual factory standards; we are connected with large airplane factory. Pilots learn on 4 distinct types planes. Also Welding and Radio Courses. Ground and Flying School hold high- est government approval. Government- licensed instructors. $250,000 worth of buildings and equipment. $100,000 airport. Reasonable tuition. Part time jobs to help pay room and board while in training. Instruction also in Spanish. What Graduates Say: ... Bigger Pay . . . "After graduation, I immediately secured a position in an air- plane factory that paid more at the begin- ning than my former railroad job paid after 5 years." — D. Applebee. Two Offers ... "I now have two very flattering offers as pilot, both at very sub- stantial salaries." — Evelyn Nicholas. Good Salary .. . "After finishing at Lincoln, 1 received a position as a me- chanic and assistant to the director, at a good salary." — J. K. Weigel. Lincoln Airplane U Flying School ai4-A Aircraft Bldg. Lincoln, Nebr. Catalog on Request Contains ronipletc informiition about Lincoln School. Lists rea.^on- atile tuition costs, (lives details of part time employtnent otter to help 8tu(lcnt.s pay room and hoard while In training. Write today, statins If You Are Charmed by Corned Beef and Cabbage Corned beef and cal>- bage (or some other food you like) may disagree with you, causing a distres^ng, gassy feeling, sour stomach or indiges- tion. For almost im- mediate relief, eat two or three Tums — often one Turn is enough. Delicious, sweetens the breath. Get a handy roll to- day at any drug store — only 10 cents. , STUDY AT HOME B«coin« • litwyrr. I.-'k-h.lF trjuned rocD win hiich poaiti "ns and his f ui t'cDH in buaiuess bikI public lir«. J lie inili-tif ndent. UreBi- r opi>artunl- f tira now than rv«r ht-turr. Bl^ corpo- N ara hcadsd by omd witb legal rufcinina. Earn $5,000 to SIO.OOO Annually J We Rutde yoa ttep by step. Yon can tratnat home dor- Jtiia Sparc time. D«itrce ft LL.B. conferred. LaSalla ^etudenta found amon^ practicInK attorneys of every W« furiitah all text material. Includins fourteen -vol una Law Library. I.i-w eut<t. r&ty terms. Get our valuable 64-M<o "Law Guidt:" fiMl 'Kvidenco" books FREE. Send for tbcm NOW, LaSall* Extsnslon University. D«pt. 1283-L Chicago TtM World's Largest Business Trainmc Institution POPULAR SCIENCE MONTHLY