Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 11.djvu/795

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Mental Disease in Animals 639
Mental Overwork 105
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. 12
Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. 161
Metals, Our Domestic 636
Metric Weights in Massachusetts 379
Mind, Matter and 183
Mind-Reading by the Ear 362
Minerals, Rare, in Colorado 632
Molecular Magnitudes 653
Moss-Copper 637
Movements of Jupiter's Cloud-Masses 81
Museums of Europe 472
Mushrooms, Edible 366
Mystery of Pain 634

Nature, Study of, in Schools 367
Near-sightedness in Schools 122
Nervous Diseases, Heredity in 332
Newcomb, Simon, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 612
New Star in Cygno. (Illustrated.) 59
Niaudet, A., Electric Candle 429
Nisbet, C, Pessimism and its Antidote 682
Notes 127
Notes 255
Notes 383
Notes 511
Notes 639
Notes 768

Observatories of Italy 538
Odd Forms among Fishes. (Illustrated.) 525
Optics, Simple Experiments in. (Illustrated.) 658
Oswald, Dr. F. L., Vegetation and Climate 385
Outerbridge, A. E., Divisibility of Gold 74
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 306
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 489
Over-Consumption, or Over-Production? 615
Overwork, Mental 105
Owls, American. (Illustrated.) 142
Oxygen, Discovery of, in the Sun 618

Palmer, J. A., Toadstools 93
Parties, Decline of 755
Party Government, Decline of 734
Pearce, S. A., The Modern Piano-forte 691
Pessimism and its Antidote 682
Pettenkofer, Max von. Air and Houses 196
""Ground-Air 280
Philadelphia, Building-System of 510
Physiology, Elementary Instruction in 668
Piano-forte, The Modern 691
Political Economy, Heat and Motion and 329
Pottery, Aboriginal, of Illinois. (Illustrated.) 573
Prescott, A. B., Material Resources of Life 339
Pressure, Atmospheric, and Life. (Illustrated.) 316
Pritchard, H. B., Science and War 599
Proctor, R. A., Jupiter's Cloud-Masses 81