Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 19.djvu/580

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Rapid Breathing as a Pain-Obtunder in Minor Surgery, Obstetrics, and the General Practice of Medicine and of Dentistry. By W. G. A. Bonwill, D. D. S. Pp. 16.

The author describes some experiments by which he has been led to assert that be can produce, from rapidly breathing common air, a similar effect to that from ether, chloroform, and nitrous oxide gas, in their primary stages, and can thus render patients sufficiently insensible to acute pain from any operation where the time consumed is not over twenty or thirty seconds. While the special senses are in partial action, the sense of pain is obtunded, and in many cases completely annulled, consciousness and general sensibility being preserved. He has used his method satisfactorily in his dental practice for four years, and refers to Dr. Hewson as having used it in obstetrics for three years.

Gill-Nets in the Codfishery: A Description of the Norwegian Cod-Nets, with Directions for their Use, and a History of their Introduction into the United States, By Captain J. W. Collins. Bulletin, U. S. Fish Commission, I. 1881. Pp. 17, with Nine Plates.

The Fish Commission, believing the gill nets to be a valuable fishing apparatus, has exerted itself to have them introduced and generally used in the United States. The present pamphlet is a part of its effort. The title furnishes a sufficient index to its reading contents. The plates exhibit the construction and method of setting and using the nets, to the minutest detail.

Annual Report of the Chief-Engineer of the Water Department of the City of Philadelphia for the Year 1880. Presented to Councils, May 5, 1881. Philadelphia: John D. Avil & Co. Pp. 128.

A noteworthy feature of this report is that it seems to show that the water-power of the Schuylkill has been highly overrated, and has not half the value at which it has been estimated; hence attention should be diverted from water-power and turned to steam-power as a means of propelling the machinery by which a steady supply of water is to be secured from such works as those on which Philadelphia depends.

Antiquities of New Mexico and Arizona. By W. J. Hoffman, M. D., U. S. A. Davenport, Iowa: Academy of Natural Sciences. Pp. 20, with Five Plates.

This monogram gives a tolerably full and very satisfactory description of the situation, construction, and present condition of the so-called ancient Pueblos, with notices of the potteries and other relics found in them, and some measurements of skulls. The figures in the plates are representations of numbered specimens in the National Museum.

Political Eloquence in Greece: Demosthenes. With Extracts from his Orations, and a Critical Discussion of the "Trial of the Crown." By L. Brédif. Translated by M. J. MacMahon, A, M. Chicago: S. C. Griggs & Co. Pp. 510. Price, $3.

A series of essays on the life, surroundings, character, gifts, and public services of Demosthenes, and the general subject of "political eloquence in Greece." An analysis is given of the principal elements and characteristics of Demosthenes's eloquence.


Ether-Death. By John B. Roberts, M. D. Philadelphia. 1881. 12 pages.

Catalogue of Exhibits at the Third Annual Reception of the Rochester Academy of Science. Rochester. 1881. Pp. 34.

The Saratoga Mineral Waters. Directions for their Use. By Dr. W. O. Stillman, New York: Taintor Brothers, Merrill & Co. 1881. Pp. 57. Illustrated.

Papers read before the Pi Eta Scientific Society, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York. 1881. Vol. II, No. 2. Pp. 101.

Studies from the Biological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Edited by H. Newell Martin and W. K. Brooks. Vol. II No. 1. 1881. Pp. 134. Illustrated.

On the Pathology and Treatment of Chorea, pp. 4; and Some Considerations on Insanity and Its Therapeutics, pp. 7. By Edward C. Mann, M. D. New York. 1881,

The State and Higher Education. An Address before the Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences. By Professor N. H. Winchell. Minneapolis. 1881. Pp. 18.

Objects of Sex and of Odor in Flowers. By Thomas Meehan. Philadelphia: "Gardener's Monthly" print. 1881. Pp. 3.

Anticipation of Lissajon's Curves. By Joseph Lovering. Pp. 7. With Plate. Large Telescopes. By Edward C. Pickering. Pp. 6. From "Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences." 1881.

The New York Water-Supply. Report of Isaac Newton, Chief-Engineer, and Opinion of E. S. Chesbrough, Consulting Engineer. New York. 1881. Pp. 14.