Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 22.djvu/666

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of malaise, difficult breathing, soreness of the chest, and cough, termed a "severe cold," which is so excessively frequent in this latitude, and which, often repeated in certain constitutions, leads to chronic inflammation and diminution of the caliber of the bronchial tubes, to dilatation of air-cells, to bronchorrhœa, and all those attendant evils which are little less baneful than consumption itself. For those in whom frequent colds have induced the condition of chronic bronchitis, I believe there is no better climate than Eastern Florida, and those in comparatively good health who suffer from repeated colds without other ill effects will find in that climate freedom from t the inconvenience. That other condition termed winter cough, frequent among people advanced in years and which is little other than chronic bronchitis with a quiescent period during the summer months, will also be entirely relieved in that land. Indeed, if the person removes there for life he will soon become unconscious that he ever had such an affliction.

Chronic laryngitis, and pharyngitis granulosa, or clergyman's sore throat, will also be decidedly benefited by winter sojourn or permanent residence in Florida.

In the spasmodic constriction of the bronchial tubes—asthma—it can only be said that many cases will be entirely relieved in Florida, while with some it will fail, and, if one is to be exiled in the interest of health, there is probably no pleasanter place for enduring semi expatriation.

A climate of this kind is also favorable to the prolongation of the life of those afflicted with chronic Bright's disease of the kidneys—chronic parenchymatous nephritis. The person will be little exposed to chilling of the surface of the body, which arrests cutaneous perspiration, congests the blood-vessels of the internal organs, and forces excessive work on the already damaged cortical net-work of the kidneys.

Sufferers from muscular and chronic rheumatism find the genial warmth of this region softens the unpliable and painful muscles, and loosens the rigid tendons, while the increased secerning activity of the skin removes the morbid humor, whatever that may be.

For none do I know a land more delightful, than for him who, by long and severe mental activity, has exhausted the vital battery of nerve-force and disturbed the harmonious balance between the varied complex nerve-circuits. The person who suffers from this condition, sometimes called nervous prostration, and which often passes under other cognomens, will there find a panacea. The soothing softness of the climate invites to continuous repose, and for him perfect rest is a prelude to restoration; repair of tissue gains upon waste, the nerve currents gradually resume their normal course and vigor, and a return of health results.

Old age crawls shivering along our cheerless streets, the frigid northern blasts fluttering the garments about his attenuated limbs,