Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 25.djvu/887

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Curteis, The Rev. Canon 78

Darwinism in the Talmud 279
Deaf, Instruction of the 713
De Candolle, M. Alphonse 784
De la Roche, Étienne 543
Diseases of Plants 385
Dodder, How the, became a Parasite 647
Drinking-Water, Clean 244
Duck, Courtesy and Sagacity of the 861
Dust, Attractions and Repulsions of 862
Dusts in Submarine Deposits, Volcanic and Cosmic 860

Early Rising, The Art of 569
Earthquake of August 10th, The 856
Editor's Table 123
Editor's Table 266
Editor's Table 410
Editor's Table 553
Editor's Table 698
Editor's Table 843
Education, Classical and Scientific, Sir John Lubbock on 566
Education, Liberal, President Eliot on 412
Electrical Exhibition, The Coming International 425
Electric Light, The, and Health 858
Electric Lighting, Storage Batteries in 143
Ensilage and Fermentation 219
Experience, A Typical 121

False Knowledge 141
Fetichism of the Bantu Negroes 767
Fetich, The College, once more 701
Fire, A People who can not make 569
Fisher, George Jackson, M.D. 405
Fischer, M. J. 522
Fisk, Samuel A., M.D. 313
Flat-foot 567
Fleuss, The, Breathing Apparatus and Safety-Lamp 717
Flies, How, hang on 68
Floods in Mountain Valleys, Prevention of 143
Flower, William H., F.R.S. 605
Foster, Thomas 103
Foster, Thomas 378
Foster, Thomas 537
Foster, Thomas 663
Foster, Thomas 825
Frauenstein, G. M. 620
Frere, Sir Bartle 717
Fresh-Water Pearls 430

Galton, Francis 732
Gas-Poisoning 427
Geography and the Railroads 230
Geyser Regions, The World's 494
Giffen, Robert, LL.D. 22
Glacial, The, Dam and Lake of the Ohio River 716
Glasgow's Bandy-legged Children 400
Grapes as Food 123
Greek Question, The, Further Remarks on 772
Greely Arctic Expedition, The 856