Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 29.djvu/255

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after four and a half months' daily wear, show no sign of burning away. Flat bars, one fourth inch by one half inch, or even by two thirds of an inch, might perhaps resist fire better, if the one-fourth-inch round bars burn away. The bars are so arranged that, if one fails, it can easily be renewed. I have round bars about one third of an inch in diameter at present on trial in my kitchen-range.

Fig. 3.

Rule XI. "There should be a rim one inch or one and a half inch in depth round the lower insertion of the vertical bars" (Fig. 3).—The object of this is to conceal the ash at the bottom of the fire, and to enable the front cinders to burn away completely by protecting them from the cold air. This rim (F) contributes greatly to tidiness, and as a rule will prevent the need of any sweeping up of the hearth during the day.