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which everywhere presents itself in the operations of the human mind. The most prominent words relating to love in the Aryan languages may, in the author's view, be traced back to one or two ruling ideas—one intimating a similarity or likeness between the persons loving, and the other a wish or desire; the former conveying the notion that the feeling is mutual, the latter that it is stronger on one side than on the other. The subject is studied from this point of view in the Algonquin, Nahuatl, Maya, Qquichua, and Tapi-Guarani languages.

The Relations of Geology and Agriculture. By W. J. McGee, Washington: Judd & Detweiler.

This paper is an address which was delivered at the meeting of the Iowa State Horticultural Society in 1882. The author's object is to point out the importance of applying geologic principles to the investigation of the soil. It is premised that the soils of the earth are immediately derived, through mechanical and chemical action, from the underlying deposits forming the subsoil—pre-eminently the agencies with which the geologist has to deal. The application of the principle is illustrated by citations from the author's studies of the drift of Iowa.

An Inquiry into the Transmission of Infectious Disease through the Medium of Rags. By Charles F. Withington, M. D. Pp. 69.

The author concludes that small-pox has been transmitted through the medium of rags, to an extent which though not great, is sufficient to show that there is real danger in the matter; and that the source of the infection is more frequently domestic than foreign rags. Among the rarer means whereby cholera is transmitted are textile fabrics infected with choleraic discharges. A solitary case is reported, but not fully accredited, of transmission by paper rags; if substantiated, it also will be an offense by domestic rags. Cases have occurred of an epidemic affection of anthrax called "rag sorter's disease" caused by handling rags. Authenticated cases have not been found in which the other infectious diseases have been transmitted through rags; and there is no evidence to show that rag-sorters as a class are essentially less healthy than other persons engaged in indoor operations. Still precaution should be taken against possible danger from rags coming from epidemically infected places, and paper-mills should have means for purifying their rags, and ventilating means for guarding against dust poisoning; and whatever precautions are used should be applied as much to domestic as to foreign rags.

Bulletin of the Iowa Agricultural College, from the Botanical Department. Byron D. Halsted, Sc. D., Professor of Botany.

The study of botany is pursued in regular course in the college beginning with the second half of the freshman year. The instruction consists of observations of actual plants assisted by Gray's text-books, beginning with leaves and flowers, their forms and arrangement. The studies in the sophomore year are taken up before the opening of spring, upon branches and buds. During the spring, each student prepares an herbarium of fifty species, collected and determined by himself. The work is continued during the year in morphology and the general characteristics of plants; and the pupils are exercised in special topics of research in which they prepare papers from their own observations. In the junior year cryptogams and vegetable physiology are studied; a course in applied botany is given, and three hours a week of laboratory work are provided for. A variety of experiments are recorded, and numerous special papers, mostly brief, are published in the second part of the "Bulletin."

The Best Reading. Third Series. A Priced and Classified Bibliography, for Easy Reference, of the more Important English and American Publications for the five years ending December 1, 1886. Edited by Lynds E. Jones. New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 108. Price, $1.

Every one who knows the first and second series of this work will eagerly welcome the present volume. To those who have not used the preceding volumes, it may be said that no bookseller, no one who buys books for his own or for a public library, and no one who reads systematically,