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The Earth in Space. By Edward P. Jackson. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 73. Price, 35 cents.

This convenient and copiously illustrated little manual comprises the facts in regard to the earth as a planet which are commonly included in text-books of geography, under the heading mathematical or astronomical geography, together with other matter in this most practical department of astronomy. It is designed for schools in which time can not be spared for a general course in astronomy.

Management of Accumulators, and Private Electric Light Installations. By Sir David Salomons. Third edition, revised and enlarged. New York: D. Van Nostrand. Pp. 150.

This little book is the result of the author's long experience with electric lighting, which was preceded by the use of a private gas-making plant on his own estate. lie has used secondary batteries since they first became practicable, sparing no expense to obtain satisfactory results, and feels confident that his directions will make the seeking of professional advice rarely necessary.


Alden, John B., New York. Bits of Knowledge taken from Alden's Manifold Cyclopædia. 4 cents.

Ali Aziz Effendi. The Story of Jewad. Translated by E. J. W. Gibb from the Turkish. New York: W. S. Gottsberger. Pp. 241.

Ames, Julia A. Platform Voices (Temperance Recitations) Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publishing Association. Pp. 144. 25 cents.

Anderson, Professor W. E., Milwaukee. The Physical Side of Education. Pp. 18.

Art, the, of Investing. By a New York Broker. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 198.

Battershall, Jesse P. Food Adulteration and its Detection. New York: E. and F. N. Spon. Pp. 328, with Plates.

Blackbird, A. J. History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan, and Grammar of their Language. Harbor Springs, Emmet County, Mich. Pp. 128. $1.

Bloxam, Charles L. Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic. with Experiments. Sixth edition. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 788. $4.50.

Claypole, E. W. The Lake Age in Ohio. Edinburgh. For sale by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. Pp. 42. 75 cents.

Commissioner of Education of the United States. Report for 1885-'86. Washington: Government Printing-office. Pp. 792.

"Congress. A Monthly Journal of the Arts of Civilization." Vol. I. No. 1. Washington: Congress Publishing Company. Pp. 20. 10 cents. $1 a year.

Cust, Lady. The Invalid's Own Book. A Collection of Receipts. New York: W. 8. Gottsberger. Pp. 144.

Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Register for 1887-'88. Pp. 216.

Davis, George, Minneapolis, Minn. A New Theory of the Origin of Life and Species and their Distribution. Pp. 52. 15 cents.

De Camp, W. M, Editor and Proprietor. "American Liberty," a Quarterly Magazine. January, 1888. Pp. 8. 10 cents a year.

Denison, T. S. The Man Behind. A Novel. Chicago. Pp. 311. $1.50.

Galdós, B. Perez Leon Roch. Translated by Clara Bell. New York: W. B. Gottsberger. Two vols. Pp. 287 and 315.

Griswold, W. M., Bangor, Me. Annual Index to Periodicals for 1887.

Guthrie, O. Memoirs of Dr. Samuel Guthrie, and the History of the Discovery of Chloroform, Chicago. Pp. 85.

Heilprin, Angelo. Geological Evidences of Evolution. Philadelphia: Published by the Author. Pp. 99.

Hodges, N. C. "The Puzzler." Vol. I No. 1. February, 1888. Monthly. Seven Plates. 10 cents, $1.25 a year. Pp. 23.

Holcombe, William H. Condensed Thoughts on Christian Science. Chicago. Purdy Publishing Company. Pp. 58.

Hudson, Mrs. Mary W. Esther the Gentile. Topeka, Kan.: George W. Crane &. Co. Pp. 167. $1.

Imperial University of Japan. Calendar for 1887-'88. Tokio. Pp. 194.

Jacques, William W. An Empirical Rule for constructing Telephone Circuits. Pp. 12.

James, W. P. and J. F., Oxford. O. On the Monticuliporoid Corals of the Cincinnati Group, etc. Pp. 28.

Lake Forest University. Catalogue, 1887-'88. Pp. 128. Addresses delivered at the Inauguration of Rev. William C. Roberts, President. Pp. 50.

Lithographic Publishing Company, New York. Photographers' Director)-, etc. Pp. 267. $3.

Loug, J. H. Slips of Tongue and Pen. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 101.

McLaughlin, J. W., Austin, Tex. The Nature of Contagion. Pp. 8.

Maynard, G. W., and Kunhardt, W. B. On the Dressing of Non-Bessemer Ores. Pp. 17.

Morehead, Mrs. L. M. A Few Incidents in the Life of Professor James P. Espy. Cincinnati: Robert Clarke & Co. Pp. 22.

Newman, Robert M. D., New York. The Galvano-Cautery Sound, and its Application. Pp 53.

New York Academy of Sciences. Transactions, 1886-'87. Heman Leroy Fairchild, Secretary. Pp 187.

New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva. Report for 1887. Pp. 482.

Osservatorio Nacional Argentino (Argentine National Observatory), Resultados (Results). Vol. 11. Juan M. Thome, Director. Buenos Ayres. Pp. 261.

Peabody, Andrew P. Harvard Reminiscences. Boston: Ticknor & Co. Pp. 216. $1.25.

Peck, John. Miracles and Miracle-Workers. Pp. 34 Christian Absurdities. Pp. 8. New York: Truth-Seeker Company.

Proudhon, P. J. System of Economic Contradictions; or, the Philosophy of Misery. Vol. 1. Translated and published by Benjamin R. Tucker, Boston. Pp. 469. $3.50.

Richter, Professor Victor von. Text-Book of Inorganic Chemistry. Authorized Translation, by Edgar F. Smith. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 428. $2.

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Register for 1887. Pp. 87.

Seidel, Robert. Industrial Instruction: a Pedagogic and Social Necessity. Translated by Mar-