Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 33.djvu/583

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in short paragraphs the kinds of public expenditure, the sources of public income, the forms of property on which taxes are laid, the varieties of public debt, and the ways of managing it. There is little discussion of policies in the body of the book, though the chief reasons for and against certain financial methods are briefly stated. Mr. White has, however, inserted discussions on taxation of mortgages, of personal property, of corporations, of land values, and taxation on consumption. Prof. Cossa's bibliography of the science of the finances is reproduced with additions, and compilations of the tax systems of New York and Pennsylvania are appended.

The Modern Distributive Process, by John B. Clark and Franklin H. Giddings, is composed of four articles, two by each author, contributed to the "Political Science Quarterly." The titles of the papers are "The Limits of Competition," "The Persistence of Competition," Profits under Modern Conditions," and "The Natural Rate of Wages." They are studies of the new conditions of the distribution of wealth resulting from the interference with competition caused by pools, trusts, labor unions, etc., and aim to show how much of the Ricardian theory of distribution persists in this new stage of economic evolution.

A fourth edition (revised) of Constitutional History and Political Development of the United States, by Simon Sterne (Putnam, $1.25), has just appeared. It is a popular work, consisting of "a sketch of the Constitution of the United States as it stands in text, and as it is interpreted by the Supreme Court, accompanied by a history of the political controversies which resulted in the formation of and changes in that instrument, together with the presentation of the actual situation of political parties and questions, which, in their turn, may produce constitutional changes." In the new edition, part of the book has been rewritten, and addenda have been supplied bringing the constitutional history and political changes of the nation from 1882 down to the end of 1887.

There are many persons who will be enabled to transact their business more securely by means of Hints from a Lawyer, a little manual by Edgar A. Spencer (Putnam, $1.25). Its object is to present the laws and methods relating to the care of property, the investment of money, the distribution of estates, and to marriage and divorce. It aims also to instruct the reader as to when the lawyer's counsel should be sought, and how such counsel can be best utilized. A large part of the text is in the form of questions such as a client would ask a lawyer, with the appropriate answers. It is adapted to all the States.


Association for Moral and Spiritual Instruction. Second Unitarian Church, Brooklyn. Pp. 16.

Baltimore Manual Training School. Fourth Annual Catalogue. Pp. 59.

Bellamy, Edward. Looking Backward. Boston: Ticknor & Co. Pp. 470. 50 cents.

Bell, W. 8. The French Revolution. New York: Truth-Seeker Company. Pp. 81. 25 cents.

Büchner. Dr. Louis. Materialism. New York: Truth-Seeker Company. Pp. 28.

Clark, Dr. Daniel. The Public and the Doctor in Relation to the Dipsomaniac. Toronto, Canada. Pp. 20.

Cooper Union. Twenty-ninth Annual Report of the Trustees. Pp. 64.

Cornell University. Bulletin of the Agricultural Experiment Station. Pp. 8.

Davis, J. R. A. A Text-Book of Biology. Philadelphia: P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Pp. 462. $4.

Denslow, Van Buren. Principles of the Economic Philosophy of Society, Government, and Industry. Cassell & Co. Pp. 782. $3.50.

Eagle Sanitary and Cremation Co. George H. Warner, P. O. Box 1040, New York.

Fellows, G. S. "Loisette" Exposed. New York: G. S. Fellows & Co. Pp. 224. 25 cents.

Foster, Rev. John O. Life Sketches and Speeches of Gen. Clinton B. Fisk. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association. Pp. 108, with portrait. 25 cents.

Giddings, Franklin H., Springfield, Mass. The Sociological Character of Political Economy. Pp. 19.

Gilbert, C. K. Changes of Level of the Great Lakes. Pp. 12.

Gould, S. C. Manchester, N. H. Bibliography of the Polemic Problem, What is the Value of π? Pp. 82.

Grabfleld, J. P., and Burns, P. S. Chemical Problems. Boston: D. C. Heath & Co. Pp. 87.

Guernsey, Alice M. Programme for an Entertainment in Behalf of the Temperance Temple. Chicago: Woman's Temperance Publication Association. Pp. 24.

Harkness, William. The Progress of Science as exemplified in the Art of Weighing and Measuring. Washington: U. S. Naval Observatory. Pp. 48.

Hemiup, Maria Remington, Geneva, N. Y. Law of Heat. Pp. 120.

Henry, M. Charles. Sur divers Points d'Histoire des Mathématiques (On Various Points of the History of Mathematics.) Rome. Pp. 17.

Hill. David J. The Social Influence of Christianity. Boston: Silver, Burdett & Co. Pp 231. $1.25.

Holden, Edward 8. Hand-Book of the Lick Observatory. San Francisco: The Bancroft Company. Pp. 135.

Hopkins, H. R., M. D., Buffalo. The Relations of Mind and Body. Pp. 7.

Hydrographic Office, Navy Department. Pilot-Chart of the North Atlantic Ocean for June. Sheet.