Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 40.djvu/439

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beginning of feeding experiments with milch-cows, for which extensive preparations had been made, also feeding experiments with poultry and swine, and tests of various sorghums. Considerable analytical work on a variety of substances had been done by the chemist; the horticulturist reports tests of a number of vegetables and small fruits; the pomologist describes his researches of the year on the grape and the peach; and a variety of operations are embraced in the report of the farm superintendent.

Mr. James Terry, of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, has published a monograph on three Sculptured Anthropoid Ape Heads found in the valley of the Columbia River. These heads were carved from a dark pumiceous, basaltic rock; and the author regards as the most probable conclusion concerning their origin "either that the animals which these carvings represent once existed in the Columbia Valley, or that, in the remote past, a migration of natives from some region containing these monkeys reached this valley, and left one of the vivid impressions of their former surroundings in these imperishable sculptures." Five artotype plates accompany the text.

A handsomely printed monograph of one hundred and fifty-six quarto pages, entitled Dynamics of the Sun, has been published by J. Woodbridge Davis (D. Van Nostrand Co., New York). It is a mathematical and theoretical essay dedicated to the astronomers, and they alone will be able to appreciate it.

A Chart of the Metric System, published by the American Metrological Society, contains tables of the measures of length, area, capacity, and weight; definitions of the terms used in the system; equivalents of cubic measures and weights, and exact-sized diagrams of the metre, the metre graduated into decimetres, centimetres, and millimetres: the litre; the cubic centimetre; ten cubic centimetres; one hundred cubic centimetres; the cubic decimetre; and the kilogramme weight; the whole covering a sheet suitable to hang on the wall. On the back are printed facts concerning the metric system; the action of various nations and of the United States adopting or recognizing it; the adaptation of the metric units to various scales of plans; metric equivalents of old units; graphical conversion and official abbreviations; the metric system in government business; its adaptation to the United States land system; metric railway curves; and other information.

The third volume of Dr. McCook's American Spiders and their Spinning-work will be ready for delivery in the coming spring. The cost of preparing the numerous engravings and plates has so greatly exceeded the expectations of the author (who is also the publisher) that he feels constrained to raise the price to new subscribers from $30 to $50 the set.


Abbott, Francis Ellingwood. Appeal to the Corporation and Overseers of Harvard University. Pp. 48. $1.25

Atkinson, Rev. J. C. The Last of the Giant-Killers. Macmillan. Pp. 244. $1.25.

Bien, H. M. Ben Beor. A Story of the Anti-Messiah. Baltimore: Isaac Friedenwald & Co. Pp. 528.

Bolles, Frank. Land of the Lingering Snow. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 230. $1.25.

Brooklyn Ethical Association. Season of 1891-'92. Pp. 50.

The Californian Illustrated Magazine. No. 1, Vol. I. San Francisco. Pp. 114. 25 cents, $3 a year.

Chamberlain, A. F. Modern Languages and Classics in America and Europe since 1680. Toronto, Ont. Pp. 60.

Chambers, George. Pictorial Astronomy. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 268. $1.

Clay, Cassius Marcellus. Oration before the Maumee Valley Historical and Monumental Association. Toledo, O. Pp. 19.

Denton, Prof. J. E. Trap-siphonage and Trap-seal Protection. Concord, N. II. Pp. 56.

Experiments in Physical Science. Pp. 59.

Foote, A. E. A New Locality for Meteoric Iron, and Diamonds in the Iron. Pp. 6, with Plato.

Foster, Dr. M A Text-Book of Physiology. Part IV. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 418. $2.

Gage, Simon Henry. The Microscope and Histology. Ithaca, N. Y. Pp. 96.

George. Henry. The Condition of Labor. An Open Letter to Pope Leo XIII. New York: United States Book Company. Pp. 157. 80 cents.

Gould. George M.. M. D. Fifteen Hundred Cases of Refraction (in Eyes). Pp. 86.

Greely, A. W. Temperature Charts by Decades. For the United States and Canada. Washington: Signal Office. Seventy-two Charts.

Griswold, W. M. A Descriptive List of British Novels. Cambridge, Mass. Pp. 200.

Hellver, S. Stevens. Principles and Practice of Plumbing. Macmillan & Co. Pp. 294. $1.25.

Herbart, Johann Friedrich. A Text-Book in Psychology. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 206. $1.

Hermetic Philosophy. Vol. II. J. B. Lippincott Co. Pp. 310. $1.50.

Huxley, T. H. Les Sciences Naturelles et l'Éducation. Paris: J. Baillière et Fils. Pp. 860. 8 fr. 50.

James, Prof Joseph P. Age of the Point Pleasant (Ohio) Beds. Pp. 10, with Plates.

Keen, W. W., M. D. Compressing the Subclavian