Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 41.djvu/146

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Massachusetts Agricultural College. Twenty-ninth Annual Report. Boston: Wright & Potter. Pp. 100.

Mays, T. J. Observation and Experiment in Phthisis. Pp. 9. Reprint

Merz, C. H. A Possible Source of Contagion. Pp. 8. Reprint.

Meyer, Lothar. Outlines of Theoretical Chemistry. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 220. $2.50.

Miller, Emory. The Evolution of Love. Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co. Pp. 346. $1.50.

Natural Science. Monthly Review of Scientific Progress. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 80. 14 shillings.

Parker, F. W. Paper on the Necessity for a Technological Institution, etc., in Chicago. Chicago Electric Club. Pp. 22.

Phillips, R. J. Living Larvæ in the Conjunctival Sac. Pp. 3. Reprint.

Proceedings of the Society of Psychical Research. Vol. II. London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co. 1892. Pp. 145.

Proceedings Rochester Academy of Science. Vol. I. By the Society. Pp. 115.

Public Reservations. First Annual Report of Trustees. Boston: G. H. Ellis. 1892. Pp. 83.

Remondino, P. O. Climatology of Southern California. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis & Co. 1892. Pp. 160. $1.25.

Report of the Commissioner of Education for 1888-'89. Vols. I and II. Washington: Government Printing-Office. Pp. 1669.

Rochester Public Schools. Forty-fourth Annual Report. Board of Education. Pp. 278.

Russell. S. A. Electric Light Cables, etc. London: Whittaker & Co. 1892. Pp. 311. $2.25.

Smith, D. T. Obstetric Problems. Louisville: J. P. Morton & Co. 1892. Pp. 60. 25 cents.

Spencer, H. Social Statics, and Man versus the State. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 420. $2.

Stollcop, J. C. Of Matter. The Author; Tacoma, Washington. Pp. 50.

Stark, E. D., and others. Free Coinage of Silver. Pp. 10.

Sullivan, J. W. Direct Legislation. New York: Twentieth Century Publishing Co. Pp. 120. 75 cents.

Taylor, J. T. The Optics of Photography. New York: Macmillan & Co. Pp. 244. $1.

Thomas, Cyrus. Catalogue of Prehistoric Works East of the Rocky Mountains. Smithsonian Institution. Pp. 246.

Tillman, S. E. Elementary Lessons in Heat. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Pp. 162. $1.50.

University of Cincinnati. Catalogue of Academic Department. 1891-'92. Pp. 75

Ward, H. M. The Oak. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Pp. 171. $1.

Weeks, J. D. Tin and Tin Plate. Pittsburg: American Manufacturer. Pp. 33. 50 cents.

Westrop, A. B. Citizens' Money. Pp. 27. 10 cents.—The Financial Problem. Pp. 30. Mutual Bank Propaganda, Chicago, Ill.

Whitely, R. L. Chemical Calculations. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. 1892. Pp. 100. 60 cents.

Whymper, Edward. Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator, with Supplementary Appendix. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. 1892. Pp. 456 and 147.

Wilder, B. G. Fissural Diagrams. Pp. 8.—Principles of Anatomical Nomenclature. Pp. 8. Reprint.—American Reports upon Anatomical Nomenclature. 1889-'90. Pp. 3—Morphological Importance of Thin Portions of the Parietes of the Encephalic Cavities. Pp. 3. Reprint.—Macroscopic Vocabulary of the Brain. Pp. 13.—List of Scientific Publications. Pp. 3.


Origin of Greenland Vegetation.—Some interesting conclusions are drawn by Mr. Clement Reid from a comparison of the views of Prof. Warming and Prof. Nathorst concerning the origin of the flora of Greenland. Prof. Warming fixes the boundary between the European and American provinces of the arctic flora as in Denmark Strait, and not in Davis Strait, as botanists have generally placed it. The flowering plants of Greenland include three hundred and eighty-six species, none of which are confined to that country. Of these, excluding the circumpolar forms, Prof. Warming finds in the list thirty-six characteristic Western against forty-two Eastern species; but suggests that as the flora of arctic America is better known, the balance will probably be in favor of the Western forms. He, however, includes among the Eastern plants only those now living in Europe, while he classes the Asiatic-American species as Western. Prof. Nathorst reviews these conclusions on the basis of a map of the local distribution of Eastern and Western forms in Greenland. He thus finds that the coast nearest to Iceland contains European forms alone, the southern coast contains European forms in a majority, and that part of the west coast nearest to America yields principally Western species; but taking Greenland as a whole the flora is more European than American. He also finds that the American element of the flora of Greenland is not entirely cut off by the Denmark Strait, but extends eastward as far as Iceland. Prof. Warming believes that the nucleus of the present flora of Greenland represents part of the original flora which was able to live through the Glacial epoch on the non-glaciated areas; but Prof. Nathorst shows that the few non-glaciated mountain-tops must have been far too high for any phanerogams to exist on them, and all the lowlands were then covered with ice and snow. Both the Eastern and Western elements of the present flora of Greenland must, therefore, be supposed to have entered the country in post-glacial times. The tables of distribution show at what points a large number of the plants entered; they came from the nearest land, whether European or American. The