Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 47.djvu/891

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Spencer, Herbert. Professional Institutions. VI. Man of Science and Philosopher 739
Spencer on Professional Institutions. (Editor's Table) 125
Spiders, The Vision of. (Misc.) 422
Stalactites, Formation of. (Misc.) 714
Starr, Frederick. Archaeology in Denmark* 12
Stars, Hot, Protoplasm for. (Misc.) 136
Stoddard, John Tappan. Argon: the New Constituent of the Air 522
Stone Arrowheads, How they were Made. (Misc.) 857
Sully, James. Studies of Childhood. VIII. Fear 1
IX. Fear (continued) 340
X. Material of Morality 648
XI.""(continued) 808
Sun-worship, Survivals of. F. D. Bergen 249
Superstition, Recent Recrudescence of. I. E. P. Evans 761
Superstitions, Petty, Power of. (Misc.) 859
"North Nyassa. (Misc.) 862

Taylor, Charles Fayette. Climate and Health 313
Telescope, Pleasures of the. G. P. Serviss. V. In Summer Starlands* 194
VI. From Lyra to Eridanus* 508
VII. Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and the Northern Stars* 783
Thomson, Basil H. Ancestor-worship among the Fijians 671
Torture, The Passing of. (Misc.) 282
Trout Culture.* F. Mather 749
Tuberculosis in Meat. (Misc.) 713
Tuke, Dr. Daniel Hack. (With Portrait) 625
Two-Ocean Pass.* B. W. Evermann 175

Variation, Human, Significance of 710
Ventilation, House and Room. (Misc.) 860
Vincent, Frank. Journeying in Madagascar* 239
Voice, the Human, Range of. (Misc.) 858

War as a Factor in Civilization. C Morris 823
Water Plants, The Life of. M. Büsgen 798
Waves, Lord Rayleigh on. (Misc.) 139
Woman as an Inventor and Manufacturer* 92
"The Psychology of. G. T. W. Patrick 209
"American, in Science. (Misc.) 283
White, Andrew D. From the Divine Oracles to the Higher Criticism
I. The Older Interpretation 145
II. Beginnings of Scientific Interpretation 289
III. The Continued Growth of Scientific Interpretation 446
IV. The Closing Struggle 577
V. Victory of the Scientific and Literary Methods 721
White's, Dr., New Chapters, Conclusion of. (Editor s Table) 267
Wire, Uses of. (Misc.) 571