Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 55.djvu/683

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Bible texts. Some of the most devout Christians were, and are yet, the old "mammies" and "uncles" who lived all the closer to the heavenly Father because of their simplicity and lack of learning. The deeply religious and better class of old negroes maintain that the reason that this music is so fascinating to whites and blacks is because it is God's own music inspired by the Holy Spirit.


{ \time 2/4 \key c \major \relative c'' { \autoBeamOff c2\fermata\(  c4..\fermata\) ~ \acciaccatura d16 c16 | g[( f]) g\( f\) g\( f\) g\( f\) | g[(\< f g\!\> f])\! g[( f]) g\( f\) | 
f\( f\) g f e8 c | c4.( e16[ c]) | c8 c4 e8 | g^\markup { \smaller \italic "portamento." } f4->\( c8\) | c2\fermata |
c'2\fermata\( c4..\fermata\) ~ \acciaccatura d16 c16 | g[( f]) g\( f\) g\( f\) g[( f]) | g[(\< f g\!\> f])\! g[( f]) g\( f\) | 
f f g f e8 c | c4.( e16[ c]) | c8-> c4 e8 | g f4->\( c8\) | c2\fermata \bar "."
c'4. c8 | c4.\fermata e32*4/9[ d c b a g f e d] | c8 c4 e8 | g f4\(-> c8\) | c2 |
c'4. c8 | c4.\fermata\(\< c,16\)\! g | c8 c4 e8 | g^\markup { \smaller \italic "portamento." } f4->\( c8 | c2 \bar ".|." }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"1. " Who dat yon -- der _ dressed _ in _ white? Must be de chil -- lun ob de Is -- rael -- ite Done found dat new hid -- in' place! Who dat yon -- der _ dressed _ in red? Must be de chil -- lun dat a Mos -- es led! Done found dat new hid -- in' place! Come a -- long _ __ Done found dat new hid -- in' place! Ise so gla -- ad 'm Done found dat new hid -- in' place! }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"2. " Who dat yon -- der _ dressed _ in _ black? Must be de nig _ -- gers a -- turn -- in' back! Done found dat new hid -- in' place! God don't talk like a nat -- er -- al man— Talk so a sin -- ner can a -- un -- der -- stand— Done found dat new hid -- in' place! }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"3. " Jes on-ly could see lee -- tle ba -- by to -- day— An -- gel done drug her thoo de twelve pearly gates! Done found dat new hid -- in' place! Pur -- ti-est ting what _ eb -- ber I done _ Was to git re -- ligion when I was young Done found dat new hid -- in' place! }
\addlyrics { \set stanza = #"4. " When I_was down in _ E _ -- gypt's _ land, Heard_a migh -- ty talk -- in' 'bout de pro -- mised land— Done found dat new hid -- in' place! And when_we get on _ Ca _ -- naan's shore _ We'll _ shout and sing for -- eb -- ber more— Done found dat new hid -- in' place! }