Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 67.djvu/481

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The proposed alliance between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University is a matter of more than local interest. Among the questions involved are the relations of technological to liberal and other forms of professional education; the advantages of great size to a university; and the share in the control of educational institutions which should be assumed, respectively, by the trustees, faculty and alumni.

President Eliot has on previous occasions urged the union of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with Harvard University, but it appears that the present plan was proposed by President Pritchett and the corporation of the institute, led thereto by the large bequest of Gordon McKay to Harvard University for work in applied science. The history of the movement is, in brief, as follows: On May 4, 1904, the corporation of the institute passed a motion requesting its executive committee to ascertain whether any arrangement could be made with Harvard University for a combination of effort in technical education which should substantially preserve the organization of the institute. On September 14, the corporation voted to secure the opinion of the faculty and alumni. On March 24 of the present year, an agreement was presented to the corporation, drawn up by President Henry S. Pritchett and Professor A. Lawrence Lowell, of Harvard University, on behalf of the institute, and by Dr. H. P. Walcott and Mr. Charles Francis Adams, on behalf of the university. This agreement provided for the removal of the institute to the site shown on the accompanying sketch, where it would erect the buildings; the joint work in industrial science would be under the control of an executive committee appointed by the corporation of the institute and containing three members of the Harvard corporation; there would be at the disposal of this committee the income of the funds of the Lawrence Scientific School and three fifths of the income from the McKay

Proposed Site of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Approach to the Buildings of Harvard University.