Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 69.djvu/582

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FLINT. Handbook of Physiology for Students and Practitioners of Msdicine. Bj Austin Flint, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Physiology in the Cornell University Medical College ; Consulting Physician to the Bellevue Hospital, etc. With 247 Illustrations in the text, including four in colors, and an atlas cf 16 color-plates, including 48 original figures in the actual colors of the stained microscopical prep- arations. 26 + 877 p. 8vo, cl, §5.00 net; sheep §6.00 net.

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HUGGARD. A Handbook of Climatic Treatment including Balneology. By William R. Huggard, M.A., M.D., F.R.C.P., Lond. 16 + 536 p., 8vo, el., §4.00 net.

METCHNIKOFF. Immunity in Infective Diseases. By Elie Metchnikoff, Foreign Member of the Royal Society of London ; Professor at the Pasteur Institute, Paris. Translated from the French by Francis G. Binnie, of the Pathological Depart- ment of the University of Cambridge. With 45 figures in the text.

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MUMFQRDand STONE. Surgical Aspects of Digestive Disorders. By James G. Mumford, M. D., Visiting Surgeon to the Massachusetts General Hospital and In- structor in Surgery in the Harvard Medical School, in association with Arthur K. Stone, M.D., Physician to Out-Patients, Massachusetts General Hospital and Assistant in the Theory and Practice of Physics in the Harvard Medical School.

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ROOSA and DOUGLASS. A Text-Book of the Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Pharynx. By D. B. St. John Roosa, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Diseaes of the Eye and Ear in the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital ; And Beamen Douglass, M.D. Professor of Diseases of the Nose and Throat, in the New York Post Graduate Medical School and Hospital.

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SHATTUCK. The Bahama Islands. Edited by George Burbank Shattuck, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physiographic Geology in the Johns Hopkins University. With 92 Plates, of which 25 are color-illustrations of Vegetation, Fishes, etc. ; also a map and diagrams.

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The Macmillan Company, 64=66 Fifth Ave., N. Y.