Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 69.djvu/586

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New Scientific Books


Mr. Harwood's new book The New Earth

By W. S. HARWOOD, Author of "New Creations in Plant Life," is a recital of the triumphs of modern agriculture in America, of which The Independent says: " Mr. Harwood has done a great service . . . His book should be put at once into all the country libraries."

Illustrated. Cloth, $1.75 net; by mail $1.89

Professor L. H. Bailey's Plant= Breeding fourth edition

is entirely revised with the addition of a new chapter on current practice. The New York Evening Post says : "We leave the book with the very strongest assurance to our readers that any enterpris- ing nature-lover will find it intensely interesting and valuable."

Illustrated. Cloth, 33k pp., $1.00 net ; by mail $1.1$


Dr. Newcomb's A Compendium of Spherical Astronomy

With Its Applications to the Determination and Reduction of Positions of the Fixed Stars. By SIMON NEWCOMB U,U pp., Svo, cloth, $3.00 net ; by mail $3.20

Dr. Forest R. Moulton's An Introduction to Astronomy

By FOREST RAY MOULTON, Ph.D., University of Chicago ; Author of "An Introduction to Celes- tial Mechanics." Illustrated. 18+557 pp., Svo, cloth, $1.25 net ; by mail $1.37


Dr. Samuel J. Holmes's The Biology of the Frog

is an easily followed, narrative discussion of the oomplete life-structure of the frog.

Illustrated, cloth, 12mo, $1.60 net ; by mail, $1.7 U

Mr. Ernest Ingersoll's The Life of Animals — Mammals

By the author of "Wild Neighbors," "An Island in the Air," etc. The New York Sun says: "No better book can be put into the hands of a boy that is interested in animals."

Illustrated with colored plates and many drawings. 655 pp., $2.00 net ; by mail $2.21,

Dr. Jacques Loeb's Dynamics of Living Matter

has attracted widespread interest from the originality of his ideas and the importance of their subject. Cloth, 8vo, $3.00 net ; by mail $3.21


Stevens & Hobart's Steam Turbine Engineering

is written from the standpoint of the buyer and user; it deals with questions of economy in first cost, maintenance and steam consumption, as well as with theory and design.

811, pp., 516 illustrations. $6.50 net ; by mail $6.80

Mr. Parr's Electrical Engineering in Theory and Practice

By G. D. ASPINALL PARR, M.Sc, M.I.E.E., A.M.I. , Mech.E., Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, the University, Leeds. With 282 illustrations.

Cloth, Svo, 1,1,7 pp., $3.25 net ; by mail $3.50


Professor Hallock's Outlines of the Evolution of Weights and Measures and the Metric System

By WILLIAM HALLOCK, Ph.D., Professor of Phvsics in Columbia University in the City of New York, and HERBERT T. WADE, Editor for Physics and Applied Science, The New International Encyclopaedia. Cloth, 8vo, 308 pp., $2.25 net ; by mail $2.1,0

Professor Major's First Steps in Mental Growth

By DAVID R. MAJOR, Ph.D., Professor of Education in Ohio State University, is a series of studies in the Psychology of Infancy. 1&+S60 pp., 12mo, illustrated, $1.25 net; by mail $1.37

Mr. Holland Thompson's From the Cotton Field to the

Cotton Mill li a study of the Industrial Transition in North Carolina

Cloth, 12mo, $1.50 net ; by mail $1.62

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