Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 72.djvu/46

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Map of Ohio showing the Per Cent, of Farms operated by Tenants as Reported in the Twelfth Census 1900.

glaciated part of the state and is preeminently hilly and sterile, and is by far the poorest agricultural section of the state and contains the lowest-priced land in the state. The southwestern part of the state embraces the Miami river valleys and is made up of the most fertile and valuable agricultural lands of the state. The northwestern section of the state is made up of the newest lands in the state, principally level lands that have necessitated draining, but after being reclaimed have proved to be exceptionally fertile lands.

On the accompanying map, showing the per cent, of tenancy in each county in the state, as reported in the twelfth census, it will be seen that the largest amount of tenancy is to be found in the southwestern section of the state, in the Miami river valleys, and the most fertile section of the state; and, if the accompanying map showing the decennial valuation of lands in the state as reported for taxation is also compared, it will also be seen that there is a close relationship between