Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 74.djvu/144

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published by the French and Italian Commissions.[1] There is, moreover, every reason to think that the Italian government would welcome and cooperate in every way with such an expedition as is here proposed. The present writer takes pleasure in saying that his studies of the Calabrian earthquake of 1905 were aided in every possible manner by the Italian scientific societies, and by individual seismologists.

There is a further reason why such a study should be undertaken by outside parties. It is difficult for one unfamiliar with the facts to understand the vexatious delays under which Italian scientists are often compelled to carry out their work. As a result of the financial straits in which the Italian government finds itself, the publication of scientific monographs is often long delayed. The manuscript of a report upon the Calabrian earthquake of 1894 had not seen the light when the shocks of 1905 arrived. This greater catastrophe seemed to render the report of less vital importance than a new report, and two separate royal commissions were appointed to prepare a report upon the disturbance of 1905. As their report has not yet appeared it is likely to be side-tracked for the report upon the new disaster. Thus the results of much painstaking scientific work see the light only in brief abstracts, because government action is too slow or, shall we say, seismic action too frequent.

  1. F. Fouqué et al., Mission d'Andalousie; "Etudes relatives au tremblement de terre du 25 décembre 1884 et a la constitution géologique du sol ébranlé par les sécousses," Acad. Sci. Paris, Mem., 2me ser., Vol. 30, 1899, pp. 1-772, pis. 42. T. Taramelli e G. Mercalli, "I terrimoti andalusi cominciati il 25 dicembre 1884," Atti della R. Accad. dei Lincei, Mem., 4th ser., Vol. 3, pp. 116-222, pis. 4.