Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 75.djvu/322

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most powerful fleet ever assembled except on a few occasions in the English Channel. Rear-Admiral Sea ton Schroeder, U.S.N., is in command.

From the Netherlands comes the cruiser Utrecht, commanded by Captain G. P. van Hecking Colenbrander, R.N.N., and the replica of the Half Moon. Germany sends the cruisers Dresden, Hertha, Viktoria Luisa and Bremen, under the command of Grand Admiral H. L. R. von Köster, retired, of the Imperial Navy. The English squadron will consist

The Purchase of Manhattan Island.

of the cruisers Inflexible, Drake, Argyll and Duke of Edinburgh, commanded by Admiral Sir Edward Seymour, of the Royal Navy. France will be represented by two battleships, the Liberté and the Justice, under the command of Vice Admiral Le Pord. From Italy come the cruiser Etruria and the schoolship Etna, on board of which will be the cadets of the Royal Naval Academy—the future officers of the Italian navy.

Latin America will also participate in the parade, Mexico being represented by the gun-boat Bravo, commanded by Captain Manuel E. Izaguirre; Cuba, by the revenue-cutter Hatuey; the Argentine Republic, by the warship Presidente Sarmiento, and Guatemala, by a coastpatrol boat.

An immense fleet of seagoing and coastwise merchant vessels, steamboats, ferryboats, steam yachts, motor boats, tugs and steam lighters, sailing crafts, police boats, wrecking boats, fire boats, hospital boats, naval-militia vessels, steam cutters and launches, United States revenuecutters and other craft, including the Clermont and Half Moon, will assemble in ten squadrons in the Harbor, in the vicinity of the Brooklyn