Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 76.djvu/237

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of which is infinitely manifold, and no completely adequate science can ever be developed.

Physical science, then, aside from those branches which are dependent upon the atomic theory, consists of three branches, namely, (1) mechanics, including hydraulics, electricity and magnetism, light and sound; the science of those phenomena in which turbulence may for practical purposes be ignored; (2) statistical physics, the science of those phenomena in which turbulence introduces an appreciable and practically important erratic element. Such phenomena can be studied only by the statistical method, the record of individual cases and the study of averages. Meteorology is the best example of statistical physics, although every physical phenomenon has its statistical aspect; and (3) thermodynamics. Some of the features of thermodynamics have already been pointed out. It is the study of changes of state of substances. A most important aspect of thermodynamics remains, however, to be considered and the preliminary idea of this new aspect may be obtained by drawing a parallel. In every-day life we see the fire-insurance companies concerned with certain broad features of statistical physics in their examinations and records of fires, and we see them also concerned with a profit and loss account which is wholly abstracted from the details of the phenomena of conflagration. Thermodynamics is the profit and loss branch of physics as it were; and like the profit and loss branch of fire insurance, thermodynamics is completely abstracted from any consideration of the details of any physical phenomenon. Thermodynamics is concerned with the measurement and counting of that type of physical degeneration which accompanies turbulence just as fire insurance is concerned with the estimate and counting of what we might call, using a fine phrase, structural degeneration by fire.

Thermodynamic Degeneraton

Every one has a feeling of the irretrievable effects of disaster, the collapse of a bridge, the destruction of a house by fire, or the wreck of a ship; these things involve losses which indeed may be forgotten after reconstruction, but never balanced. The havoc wrought is essentially irreparable. It is desirable to use the word degeneration in a very narrow technical sense when we come to consider the second law of thermodynamics, and the way may be paved to a clear understanding of the later and accepted use of this word in physics by applying it now to designate that aspect of disaster which is irreparable. The burning of a building, for example, is a process of degeneration. It is very important, however, to avoid the carrying over of this idea of structural degeneration into thermodynamics, where a much more limited conception of degeneration arises. The term thermodynamic