Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 76.djvu/510

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actually communicated their heat, the hot ones ought to have risen to the top, and the cold ones subsided, so as to have made a material difference in the temperature."[1] Furthermore, these and many other experiments afford us indications of his mental habit as a scientific investigator. Conceptual processes find him at his best; his theoretical expectations and deductions are good. In experiment he is not so happy, and what we understand by "fine" or refined work occurs seldom. Thus, in the case just cited, Dalton infers "that the expansion of water is the same both above and below the point of maximum density." But, when he comes to determine this crucial point precisely, he goes wide of the mark, setting it at 36°.

These references may enable us to grasp his manner of approach to a problem, and to realize his general plan of attack upon the atomic constitution of matter as it stood when he entered the field.

I wish that space permitted me to present some consecutive account of the doctrine of "matter" as it developed down the ages—but this is impossible. The subject deserves attention, because so bemused in the minds of the laity. And not only this. Scientific men themselves misconceive it at times, not deliberately indeed, but because, absorbed in researches of immediate moment, they have not troubled to follow the marvelous story with patience. The long, tortuous endeavors that culminated in Dalton's atomic theory, with its kernel, the law of multiple ratios, are the tale of man's attempt to reduce his notion of "matter" to conceptual simplicity; this to the end that it might be rendered an obedient instrument. Freed from contingent accessories, the central problem was this: Given such a vast multiplicity and variety of phenomena as the "substantial" world presents, how can all be grasped under a single, synthetic idea? Plainly, whenever man began to reflect upon nature, he encountered this sphinx. The elusive, yet persistent, relationship between the one and the many forms part of ancient history in science no less than in metaphysics.

Now, stating the situation very synoptically, and omitting the metaphysical reference in favor of the natural-scientific, it may be affirmed that the problem itself is also a many in a one. For, if we are to reach clear concepts about natural phenomena, we must reckon with three investigations at least. In the first place, a particular phenomenon must be selected, and treated as the starting point. This done, it is requisite to obtain an all-round view of what it is. In the second place, one must proceed to elucidate its relations to other phenomena, preferably to those which evince evident, or apparent, kinship. In the third place, order must be induced in the relations that have thus come under observation by reducing them, as far as possible, to numerical expression. The primary methods of weighing, measuring and enumeration

  1. Ibid., p. 385.