Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/16

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��Forty-four Years After

��work is drudgery unless it is in- spired by ideas.

The make-up of the magazine, which seems a haphazard affair, is perhaps the most perfect object lesson illustrating the way the mind of the average man works.

It reads as a group of people talk, flashing from one subject to another, superficially unrelated yet having an invisible bond, giving important things longer, more seri- ous attention, touching lightly up- on those merely entertaining.

��Mechanical vaudeville is given at its real value

��For The Popular Science Month- ly is not lacking in what may be called mechanical vaudeville, and vaudeville seems to be a human need. The scientist, the engineer, the inventor are human beings after all.

But these entertaining things in the magazine are presented at their exact value, as is everything else. The reader is not even given the opportunity of taking them seriously.

The Popular Science Monthly has as many illustrations as can

��be crowded into the magazine be- cause the picture is the quickest, surest way of communicating ideas.

Each month some 300 new ideas are pictured and explained- — ideas that eliminate drudgery.

Drudgery is not a permanent form. It is one's attitude that makes one's work drudgery or a vocation that is interesting.

This fundamental runs through all economics.

To define the work of The Popu- lar Science Monthly is to define civilization.

Civilization is a result of bring- ing to the individual the fruits of all the experiments, ideas and dis- coveries the whole world has accu- mulated.

The success with which it is doing this important work is shown by the fact that it has added ten thousand readers each month since the new policy was adopted.

The Popular Science Monthly is now growing just as fast as people are becoming acquainted with it.

It is one of the few periodicals that is an economic necessity.

That which a blind man saw in a vision forty-four years ago has become a reality.

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