Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/291

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Popular Science Monthly


���is convenient to have such an arrange- ment to save her coming from upstairs or from the basement laundry.

A Handy Darkroom Lamp

A LAMP that can be used for print- ing and Hghting the developer tray while the print is being developed can be made by covering one side of a wooden or metal box with orange or ruby paper or glass and leaving the other side open. The covered side should cast its light on the developer tray, while the open side can be used for exposing the print.


��When the tradesman shuts the door

of this receptacle, it can be opened

only from the inside of the house

Door Parcels-Receivers

EVERY housekeeper has times when no member of the family is at home when the day's supply of milk or meat or groceries are de- livered. Some dealers will not leave parcels when there is no one to receive them. The milk and the meat tempt roving cats and dogs. In city homes, at least, the chance of human thievery has also considered. It is now pos- sible to have a special kitchen door fitted with four box-like compartments, one above the other. Each compartment is independent and is for a definite kind of supplies. Each has a door opening outside and another inside the house. The tradesman finds the outer door un- locked and closes it upon his delivery, after which the receptacle can bo opened only from within the kitchen. Even if the housekeeper be at home it

��A Rolling Clock

N oddity in the way of a clock has lately been invented by a young jeweler in Los Angeles who claims that it is more accurate than the ordi- nary timepiece. The clock is placed upon the high end of a small table which is eighteen inches long and of polished ma- hogany. Gravity draws it to the other end of the in- cline, but the speed is con- trolled by a wonderful system of weights in the clock. There are no therefore no winding, days the clock runs the

��springs and

Every thirty

eighteen inches and is then taken up and

started all over again. The case re

volyes as it runs down, but the dial re

mains in the usual position.

���It takes this clock thirty days to roll the length of the stand

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