Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/413

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Simplifying the Inspection of Farm Produce

��of the goods bought and sold. To better this condition a device has recently been in- vented which is here illus- trated.

Ordinarily such goods potatoes are delivered to the buyer in a truck-load of bags. The buyer's inspector makes a rudimentary inspection. Because the bags are so tightly packed together on a

The device was invented and patented by a New York food inspector who wanted to see the whole consignment, not one or two selected sacks only

���Each sack of vegetables or

fruit can be dumped in the

device, examined and re-

sacked, all in a few seconds

D]':ALINGS in such commodities as fresh fruits and vegetables are peculiarly unintelligent. There is but the roughest approach to uniformity in standards of quality. Nei- ther the buyer nor the seller knows accurately the quality


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