Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/610

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��Popular Science MontJily

���A newspaper holder that looks like a sword, made for Army and Navy clubs

��Army and Navy Clubs Please Notice

A MAGAZINE and news- paper holder made in the form of a sword has been created by a famous furni- ture maker of New York. A personal design of his own, it is executed by hand, and the blade is a knotted branch split down the middle and stained a French gray. The handle, like a sword-hilt, is made of woven willow and fits the hand comfortably. The whole contrivance is singularly light and easily handled, and the usual long handle of such devices, which makes it difficult to use them comfortably, is eliminated. The new news- paper holder is in fact more easily held than a paper which is not so protected.

The hilt is black, in at- tractive contrast to the gray of. the "blade." The device has already found its way •ititio many clubs.

��Music While You Work

A DRY-CLEANING establishment in Cincinnati has come to the con- clusion that if its employes hear music at frequent inter\-als while they work it will not only make them happier, more con- tented and better workers, but that they will accom- plish more than if they were without it.

Working upon this theory, there have been installed throughout the big estab- lishment enough phono- graphs to keep lively music playing most of the day.

The records are selected with care, lest a funeral selection, a dreamy waltz, or a Sextette from Lucia should creep in. There are many lively dance records and popular songs. The work- ers hum and sing to the

��lively music and the speed of the music puts the speed into their w^ork.

The music-while-they-work is said to be a South American idea, where music is recognized as a necessity of life.

���If the regimental band makes soldiers step lively, why shouldn't this phonograph make ironing easier?

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