Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 88.djvu/943

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Popular Science Monthly


���Telephone -Mouthpiece Deadens Outside Sounds

THE added mouthpiece shown has a second diaphragm attached to its inner end. This absorbs the out- side noises which interfere with telephone conver- sation. Through a central hole in this outer diaphragm sounds spoken into the mouthpiece are carried to the inner diaphragm in the ordinary manner. The invention is particularly useful in mills and factories where pounding and noise make it impossible to telephone with ordinary apparatus.

Down with the Portcullis, and Your Fish Is Caught

THE fisherman plants his trap in paths fre- quented by fish. When the prey swims through the metal arch- way, a quick jab on the handle causes the top cross-piece to descend, pinning the fish tightly to the spikes beneath. The catch may then be drawn up through the water and dropped into the boat.


��Improved Pocket-Knife Punch

NEW pocket- knife has a blade L-shaped in cross-section. It is especially adapted for use as an awl or punch. The inner edge of the punch is sharpened, so that it can be used in reaming out and cutting into a hole. Slanted corrugations on the blade's exterior assist it to penetrate hard substances, since they grip the material screw-fashion. The new punch is no more in the way than the ordinary knife-blade, since it folds compactly into the handle when not in use.


��A Magnifying Needle-Threader L M O S T

���every pro- fessional or home seamstress, as she approaches middle age, begins to have trouble to see well enough when threading her needle. There has been devised an adaptation of the magnifying glass to serve her. A lens which will enlarge three and a half times is supported by a little standard fitting into the spool of thread. The glass can be turned to any desired position as the seamstress looks down through it at her needle and thread. The lens is also available for other pur- poses, such as removing splinters, or study- ing fine print or small pictures or maps.

Mattress Handles Lighten Housework

TWO rectan- gular wire frames, hinged together at the middle, are fas- tened to the mattress with heavy safety pins or any other con- venient means. A handle is located near each corner of the mattress; other handles are provided in the center if necessary. By grasping the handles a housewife can move a mattress much more easily than by seizing the bulky cloth itself.

A Perfume-Wafting Fan

CONTAINED within a fan-handle is a layer of cotton or other fabric, while at the top of the blade is a strip of blotting paper clamped across a hole. On both these absorbent materials perfume is I)oured. As the fan is swayed in the air the perfume is given off. Because of the novelty of the idea, the fans are advanced as a valuable advertiser for perfumes.

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