Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/165

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Popular Science Monthly


��A poultry-house which considers the interests of the hens is here described. All the windows are in the roof. The walls are of hollow tile, the floor is of concrete and a gal- vanized-iron venti- lator furnishes fresh air. Poultry-houses should admit the greatest possible amount of fresh a-r

��Building a Poultry-House with a Skylight

SOMETHIXGoutofthe ordinary in poultry- house construction is shown in the acconi|)anying plans. All the windows are in the roof. The house stands the long wa>', north and south, so that during the day the sun's rays will reach all parts of the coop. The secret of building poul- try-houses right is largely a matter of admitting the greatest possible amount of sunlight. In the plan shown this factor is well cared for.

This house is 21 ft. by 33 ft., with eaves 5^2 ft. from the grade. The walls are of hollow clay tile and 5 ins. thick. The founda- tion and tile floor are of concrete mixed 1 13 15.

The structure has a sim- ple gable roof covered with prepared roofing. The roof is at third pitch; rafters at 2 ft. centers. Matched sheathing is used as a roof foundation. Everj' other skylight sash — on both sides of the peak of the roof — is hinged to be opened for ventilation and air- ing. A 20-in. galvanized ventilator is placed at the rear, and in the roar gable-end is a barn-sash, which is hinged to swing up.

A coop of this size will comfortably shelter more than a hundred full-grown birds. The covered nests are built in along the side walls, and the roosts are all at the rear end of the house. Materials, such as lumber, tile, and cement, as listed herewith, will be needed :

17 bbls. cement for floor and footing $24.00

8 yards clean, coarse, sharp sand 8.00

12 yards well-graded gravel or slonc 12.00

650 hollow clay building-blocks 26.00

I dozen anchor-bolts 5-8 in. by 12 ins.. . 1. 00

4 pes. 2 ins. by 6 ins. by 16 ft. for plat&

35 pes. 2 ins. by 4 ins. by 14 ft. for rafters

16 pes. I in. by 6 ins. by 1 6 ft. for cross-ties 17.00

1000 ft. 8-incfi ship-lap for sheathing. . . . 30.00

8 squares three-ply roofing material. . . . 24.00

12 skylight-sash 4 ft. by 4 ft 24.00

I barn-sashforrear, 4lts. loins. by I2ins. i.oo

���I galvanized metal ventilator 20 ins. . . . 12.00

200 ft. lineal i in. by 4 ins. finish lumber. 2.00

125 ft. lineal i in. by 6 ins. finish lumber. 2.OO

36 ft. galvanized metal ridge-roll 2.00

I screen door 3 ft. by 7 ft 2.00

125 sq. ft. 1-2 inch hardware cloth 6.00

24 pes. 2 ins. by 4 ins. by 10 ft. for roosts and supports

5 pes. I in. by 12 ins. by 16 ft. for nests. . 7.00

��Total $200.00

\V. E. Frcddex.

Some Curtain Suggestions

SEW two small rust-proof hooks at the extreme lower corners of your lace curtains on the right side. On sweeping day or when you wish the windows open, hook them up any desired height out of the way. The weight will not stretch the mesh in the least.

Use small round wooden toothpicks to pin your curtains to the rod, and avoid the unsightly rust spots made by common pins by sewing on small bone or brass rings of substantial design.

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