Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/169

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Popular Science Monihhj


��A Merry-Go-Round Swing

A MERRY-GO-ROUND swing is easy to iiKike if the following <lirections are carefully observed.

The necessary materials and their exact measurements are as follows:

1 pipe 2 ins. by 8 ft For vertical shaft

2 pes. I in. by 3 ins. by 10 ft For cross-arm

2 iron roils \ in. by 6 ft For cross-arm guys

2 pes. 2 ins. by 4 ins. by 6 ft. . For foundation cross 4 pes. 2 ins. by 2 ins. by

4 ft. 3 ins For center bearing braces

2 pes. 2 ins. by 8 ins. by 8 ins. (oak). ...For bearings

2 iron plates 6 ins. by 6 ins For bearings

2 machine bolts \ in. by 2\ ins. .For top bearing 4 machine bolts \ in. by

4.1 ins For bottom bearing

4 lag-screws J in. by 3 ins For top bearing

4 carriage bolts J in. by

2.' ins. . .For cross-arm ends (2 to each end) 2 carriage bolts \ in. by

4! ins For cross-arm center blocks

2 pes. I in. by 10 ins. by 18 ins For seats

)6 ft. Manila rope For swings

Any soft wood will be suitable.

Begin with the foundation-cross, Fig. I. Find the center of the two cross-pieces; half notch them to fit flush, and nail together. The foundation- cross is then ready to receive the bottom bearing, Fig. 2. Bore a hole 2}^^ ins. in diameter in the center of the block. Bolt one of the iron plates between the block and the foundation-cross, using two machine bolts 4^2 ins. long. This completes the foundation-cross and bottom bearing. The top bearing is made the same as the bottom bearing, only the hole runs through the iron plate.

The four braces are sawed at the ends to an angle of forty-five degrees, and firmly nailed to the ends of the founda- tion-cross, thus bringing the ends to- gether at the top. Ne.\t, the top bearing is firmly screwed on the end of the braces, using four li-\n. by 3-in. lag- screws, taking care first to bore the holes with a gimlet. Now we will put the center shaft into place. If a pipe of the given dimension is not available an old boiler-tul)e of the same dimensions will answer the purpose. For the cross-arm Fig. 4, the two pieces of the dimensions above given are bolted together at the ends, using two bolts to each end.

Now bolt two blocks i in. on each side of the center, the blocks to be 2 ins.

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��This open-air swing can vie with the Pied Piper of Hamlin

thick. Thus we have a hole 2 ins. -square, enough space for the center shaft to run through. Now bore a.}i-in. hole at each end of the arms to receive the stay-rods, which are threaded at one end only, the other end being bent in the shape of a hook to catch on the rim of the center shaft. Now slip the cross- arm over the shaft, bolt the ends of the rods to the ends of the arms, and hook the other ends on the shaft. Make the two boards for the swing seats Fig. 5, with the dimensions already given; bore a yi-in. hole at the ends of the boards to receive the rope. Now run the rope through the holes and knot them so that they will not slip out of place, the swings being tied to the cross-arm. The merr\'-go-round swing is now com- plete and can be set firmly by driving stakes into the ground at the end of the foundation-cross and securely nailing them. — O. B. Laurent.

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