Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/328

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��Popular Science Monthly

��14, the body of which rests in the loop 10'. The rear end of the wire is l)ent at right angles, as at 17, and has a double bend as at 18, to furnish a crank, and also provide a means to lock the crank after winding up the rubber.

The next operation is to provide a pair of elevating planes and a rudder. The fore and aft planes are similarly constructed, the forward one 20, being attached to the upper rib 4, and the aft plane to the lower rib 6. Each plane is 2 by 4 ins. and at one margin is a pair of slits 22, 22, running into holes which are made to correspond with the vertical loops 10, 10', to which they are attached. The other margin has a single slit 23, with a terminal hole, which is attached to the rib of the frame. These two planes are set at the same angle.

The cork at the rear end of the frame has a vertical slit 24, set at an angle, and in this a cardboard rudder 25 is placed. The only thing now necessary is to at- tach a cord 26 to the lower rib behind the first balloonette, and wind up the rubber band so as to twist it tightly. The moment the dirigible is free it rises, and moves forwardly, the two fore and aft places keeping it on an even keel, and the rudder at the rear having been set to turn it, the machine flies in a circle, being prevented by the cord 26 from flying too high or far away.

Cover Lift for Cafeteria Platters

��TO keep the food hot for ' self" cafeterias where

��'help your- large and

heavy covers are used to protect the platters containing food, a chef has devised a means whereby the covers can he lifted to any position and remain in that position indefinitely. His dev-ice consists of two standards and a crossbar, made of pi])e and fittings. The stand- ards are alxjut three feet long and the crossbar is long enough to pass over the platters.

Within the crosspipe are located small pulleys and holes made for the chain that suspends the cover. The chain runs over the small pulleys directly above the cover and then over another |)ulley fastened in the t'ibow of the pipe, and from there down the pi|}e below the counter where it is fastened to a weight.

���The pulley, chain and weight device lifts the covers out o. the way

The lifting weight is sufficient to counter- balance the weight of the cover, so that the latter will remain in any position it is placed. When a customer arrives it is only necessary to give the cover a lift to present the steaming hot food in the platter.

The same cov-er lifts may be used for cold dishes or, in fact, for any dishes that are exposed to dust. The weight for lifting the cover is increased or de- creased according to the size of the cover, and oiled joints insure easy motion at all times. — Ch.\rlesF. Smisor.

Putting New Life in Chisel Handles

CARPENTERS and mechanics know how soon the butt end of a chisel handle splits when daily exposed to the incessant blows of a mallet or hammer. To overcome this flatten the top of the chisel and attach, with a few small tacks, two disks of leather about }i in. thickness to the flattened top. The leather disks should be the same size as the top of the chisel. If the disks over- lap and expand they c a n b e easily trimmed to

conform to the _ ,

I , , Two pieces of

handle top. — leather lengthen the

H.\RRYA.Sim.i:k. life of the handle

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