Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/564

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��Popular Science Monfhly

���New York city wastes millions in oirtage. li the- Wilgus phin is adopttii. a frciRht subway will run through New York city, paralleling the present passenger subway in some sections, for the purpose of transporting the freight underground and through tunnels under the Hudson River to its destination, thus saving the additional expense of re-transference

��of the coii^fslioii at that point. It has been slated that it cost more to haul a ton of freight from a railroad lerminal in Jersey City to a wareiioiise in Manhattan llian from Pittsburg to the seaboaril. R. A. (". Smith, C'om- missioncr of Docks and l"errics, has suRgested that the time re(|uirecl to load the trucks might be reduced by con- structing pier-sheds in such a way as In permit the trucks to go out upon

��them at one side, I'nter in order through a series of doors, and ri-turn in a regu- lated procession. Willi. im [. W'iigus, a former \ice-prisi(lent ol the New \ ork Centr.d Railroad, has submitted to the jniblic Ser\ice C'onuiiission a project lor transhii)]>ing freight to smaller cars at a great lerminal yard to be establisluHl on the llackensacic Meadows. These rar.s Were to be opcr.iti-d by electricity through luimels under the Hud.son Ri\er

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