Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 89.djvu/907

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Popular Scicnrr Monthly


��when OIK' turns, with rclit-l aiitl pleasure, fn)ni the case of inaiuifaetiired eyes, shown in the showroom of Mr. Putter's l)uilding. to the case of glowini^, liciiiiJ, or gem-like hand-p<iintetl representations. The experience does not only enlighten on; as to the wide range of dilTerences in the eyes of vari- ous kindsof beasts, in the marking, rim, shape, size, coloring and ex- pression, and i)ar- ticularly in the colors of the pupils and their curve-like, slit-like or round shapes; it also shows what r markable results can be obtained in this unique phase of fine art.

And the perfecting of this phase of art was made possible by a determination on the part of Mr. Potter, which stojipetl at no expense, from several dollars apiece for the imported crystal molds from England, to financing long trips, and engaging the best artist obtain able — in this case, Mr. Finkelgreen.

���Warning Herdsmen of the Approach of "Untempered" Storms

THROUGHOUT the Northwest, where sheep-raising is one of the prin- cijial intlustries and where the weather is not always tempered to the shorn lamb, for the simple reason that shearing and lambing are scheduled for the very early spring, the loss to the herders from deaths, due to exposure in sudden storms, some- times totals fifty per cent of the Hocks.

For this reason, during the Spring of IQ16 the Weather Bureau installed a special storm-warning ser\ice for Oregon, \\'ashington and Idaho sheep ranges. The service was operated through twenty-five distributing centers. Special reports and warnings were sent out, covering tempera- ture, rain, snow, winds, clouds and a clear sky. The messages were passed along by telephone and reached stockmen by noon or earlier of the date of issue.

��Are You Paying for Your Farm or Is It Paying for Itself?

THI'L progressive farmer does not measure his business In- the number of acres which his prop- erty embraces; for in man\- instances it is tile man who does an intensive busi- ness on a com- paratively small acreage who makes the most money out of farm- ing. UsualK' the farmer has altogether too much money tied up unproductive, or loafer, land.

On ever^- farm, of course, there are certain areas neressariK' devoted to nonproductive purposes, such as fence lines, ditches, lanes and uiilding lots. The problem is to decide just how great a per- centage of the aggre- gate land may be de- voted to such uses profitably, or at least from the yielding ca- For instance, untrim- med hedges, fences, or zigzag rail or womi fences require more than twice as much land as wo\cn wire or barbed wire fences. Similarly, a little planning may result in the elimination of farm lanes by a simple arrangement of fields; and a compact groujiing of the farm buildings, with due regard for hygiene and attractiveness, may restore a considerable portion of the non- productive acreage to the profitable class.

Some areas are hopeless, but before being pronounced cntirel\- unredaimable their possibilities should be considered from e\ery angle. Man\- untillable fields make productive pasture lands, or they can be used for the production of timber. On the other hand it may be an ad\antage to clear and till wooded acreage, first counting the cost of the work and balancing it against the sale price of the timber prod- ucts, the increased value of the land and the iidded expense of firewood after the timber has been disposed of.

��The artist paints on the crystal molds the exact coloring, shape, size and expression of the eyes of the different animals. A crystal covering completes the eyes which are then labeled and filed in cases

��without detracting pacity of the farm.

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