Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 9.djvu/9

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I N D E X.

Abbott, C. C, Phases of Bird-Life 343
"Academy," The, for Americans 111
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 747
Accidental Variation 750
Adder, Cunning of the 251
Adler, Felix, Hebrew Religion 589
Air, The, in Courts of Justice 756
Air-Bags for raising Ships 632
Air-Germs and Spontaneous Generation. (Illustrated.) 91
Amber, Dredging for 121
American Association at Buffalo 755
American Colleges vs. American Science 467
Amphibious Fishes. (Illustrated.) 546
Anæsthesia, Discovery of 506
Ancient American Civilization 118
Ancients, Backwardness of the, in Natural Science 438
Animal Powers of Offense and Defense 355
Animals, Conscience in 80
Antelope, The American 378
Antiseptic Properties of Thymol 381
Ants, Habits of 252
Apotheosis of Steam 430
Argentine Republic, Science in the 463
Army-Worm Moth 380
Arsenic, Detection of 637
Astronomy, Origin of 124
Aurora, Cause of the 638
Automatic Light-Register 122
Awards at the International Exhibition 69
Axes and Hatchets. (Illustrated.) 186

Babyhood, Lingual Development in 129
Backwardness of the Ancients in Natural Science 438
Bain, Alexander, Sketch of. (Portrait.) 360
Bastian, H. Charlton, Organisms and their Media 215
""The Invertebrate Brain 702
Bats. (Illustrated.) 523
Battle-Axe, A Stone 612
Beadle, J. H., Social Experiments in Utah 479