Page:Popular Science Monthly Volume 90.djvu/138

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��Popular Science Monthly

��Paper Funnel for Use in Place of a Grease-Gun

WHEN the motorist is in need of a grease-gun and one of the regular instruments is not at hand, a

���A paper cone as a substitute for a grease-gun for forcing grease into gear-casings of an automobile

��good substitute may be made of a paper funnel. Simply roll up a piece of tough paper — heavy wrapping paper will do — into a cone, fill with grease, turn over the upper end and begin to roll. It is like squeezing preparations from a soft metal tube of the variety in which pastes and medicated vaseline are sold, the grease being forced out through the smaller end and into the casing. — R. F. Pohle.

��the chain-holder. Transfer the ring from the usual hook to the winder of the alarm clock, hooking it just over the corner of the winder, so that when the alarm starts the hook slides off and closes the check draft. The fire will start, and by the time you get up the room will be warm.

If you want to get up at 6 o'clock, set the alarm at 5. If the alarm annoys any one, it can be mufifled. Before leaving for the ofhce, rake off the top crust of the ashes, removing all clinkers; see that the draft is open long enough to insure a fresh bed of live coals, and apply coal sufficient to keep the fire until noon.

While the lower draft is open, remove ashes, sprinkling them as they are removed to keep the dust from sifting to the upper rooms. — Will Chapel.

��A Heat Regulating Device for the Furnace

TO have the house warm and com- fortable when you get up, be sure_ to bank the fire at night. This is made easy by seeing that there is a good bed of coals in the fire box before retiring.

Throw on a few shovels of coal, enough to last far into the morning, and do not entirely cover up all the live coals. Leave a spot the size of your two hands, burn- ing brightly. Now on top of the fresh coal apply a coat of ashes. This is the method by which night firemen hold the heat in large buildings and .are able to leave it, knowing the heat will be re- tained and that it will be easy to quickly get the normal temperature again.

Pull up the check draft, close all others, and set an alarm clock for the time you wish to start up the fire, wind- ing it only twice around, and placing it on any convenient box or stand near

��A Key Indicator to Tell When a Door is Locked

THIS device is fitted to a key in order to indicate whether a door has been locked or not. Within the key is fitted a small cylindrical metal piece M which can rotate inside. Its upper end has a screw-thread S. This piece works in the small threaded hole H, and can project out at the top. At the bot- tom is a slotted part A, which lies well within the key-bar- rel. On the other hand, the lock com- monly carries a small rod that fits into the key-barrel when the key is inserted in the keyhole, in order to guide the key. All that is needed is to file a square end on the rod A so that when the key is inserted in the lock the square end of the rod acts as a screwdriver on the cylinder within the key-barrel. Supposing that the key is given two turns, as is usual with safety locks, the screwing action causes the small tip to rise out of the hole H and proiect above the key at T, where it can be felt with the finger, showing that the key has been used in the lock. On un- locking the door the tip immediately dis- appears inside. — F. P. Mann.

���If the door is locked a projection is felt

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